2022-03-31 - 2022-04-26
Right to a fair trial
An arsenal of constitutional laws has been ratified by the Tunisian Parliament, including chapters 27, 29, and 108, along with chapter 154 of the Criminal Procedure Code, which should be able to ensure the right to a fair trial for everyone. These laws are based on a commitment to international instruments, which Tunisia abides by, among which we can mention the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Human Rights and the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights. In spite of this, Tunisian laws are not free of gaps and are not always properly applied, which made the Right to Fair Trials, a violated one, according to testimonies of detainees and their families, and reports of international and national organizations. Since the right to free trial is considered to be an important component of development in Tunisia, our youth will gather around to discuss how far Tunisians enjoy their rights to a fair trial in the framework of Munathara’s newest projects “Maydan Munathara”.